List Rental

We’ve found over 150,000 unique consumers between our social platforms and email subscribers that are waiting to hear from you. To spread the word with Black Flag Deals, send an email to to get in touch with our sales team or call 1-855-543-8345 x700.


Male 36% Female 60%


Millennials (18-34) 14%
Gen X (35-50) 64%
Boomers (51-69) 25%
Silent (70-97) 5%


Canada 54% USA 40%

Email Deployment Pricing

All email deployment schedules include full reporting. Information includes opens, bounces, and clicks. Additional email services and lists are available as sponsored emails lease and rental. Processes include list rental, list cleansing and list testing.

Email List Size 10M 25M 50M 100M
Cost $300 $500 $750 $1,000
Account Setup
Email Creative
Email HTML
Deployments 3 3 3 3

*Client provides logo. Writing, design and development included with all services.

To advertise with Black Flag Deals, send an email to to get in touch with our sales team or call 1-855-543-8345 x700.